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Town Holiday Lights Update & Call for Volunteers

Dear Community Members,

Many people have asked why they don’t see the holiday lights strung up along Main Street in the Village.  The crude response is because they are sitting on the floor in the Town Office.  But the better response is we simply could not work it out with Fox Islands Electric Cooperative this year, despite both our best efforts.  We planned early this year.  I met with Joe Bickford, one of FIEC’s linemen, in November to discuss how to hang the lights.  Kylie and Tammy checked and replaced all the bulbs.  We had a plan.  Then storms intervened.  We have another storm on its way tomorrow and another three days later.

The lights we purchased during COVID are heavy duty, commercial grade lights.  They require direct connection to the power lines.  FIEC said they could put connectors/plugs on the poles for us to use, but that has not yet happened – again because of storms.  And the strings of lights are heavy; they require robust anchors.  And they must be at least 15 feet above the road to avoid getting caught by a truck.

Ideally, we would like to have LED lights that could be programmed in different colors for different holidays – red, white, and blue for Independence Day, for example.  Ideally, the strings would be solidly anchored and left up all year – or at least for a good chunk of the year. 

So, this is an invitation to help.  If 3-5 of you would like to form a committee to do some research on the types and costs of available outdoor lighting, please send an email to me and Jeremiah MacDonald, Select Board Chair.  Here are our addresses:, and

Thanks for the help!


Rick Lattimer
Town Administrator
North Haven, Maine 04853