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Thorofare Waterfront Project

NEWS!  We received 165 responses to our survey.  Thank you for taking the time to give us your input!  When combined with all the other input we have received through public meetings, GEI's 10-12 February visit, emails, and one-on-one conversations, this means many of you are concerned about the Thorofare Waterfront and its essential connection to our island.  Please continue to look for updates and do not be shy about giving us your ideas.

Our Island Fellow, Claire Oxford, and GEI are collating the survey responses and analyzing the data.  We will share the results with you once we get the results into a reader-friendly format.

PROJECT:  The Town of North Haven is embarking on a Thorofare Waterfront project in alignment with Town Priority 2: Workforce Development & Economic Diversification and Priority 3: Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Impacts. 

waterfront Photo credit: Bill Trevaskis

Project Summary

Access to the ocean for fishing, aquaculture, recreational boating, and transportation of people, freight, and vehicles is essential to our survival; such access will diversify our economy and reinforce the need to develop a workforce to match. Likewise, we must protect the area from the impacts of sea level rise and climate change, the impacts of which are already being felt during storms and high tide events.

The Thorofare Waterfront Project will engage property owners, waterfront users, community members, and other partners from the community and the State in order to work on a re-design of the waterfront.

The Town is seeking funding for the project through grants. We received a $10,000 ShoreUp grant from the Island Institute to kick-off the project, which will help us engage an engineering firm and being preliminary engagement and idea generation. We were also awarded a $200,000 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant through FEMA in January 2024. 

In Fall 2023, after a competitive evaluation process facilitated by the Town with the participation of a panel of community members, GEI Consultants was contracted as the engineering firm to support the Thorofare Waterfront Project.  Based out of GEI's Portland office, Daniel Bannon (P.E., CFM) will be the Lead Project Engineer and Leila Pike (P.E.) will be the Flood Risk Assessment Lead.

Please see the Tabs in the blue box to the left for more information.